Black Program


Choose a Focus from the list below and add the extra lesson to complete your program.


Program recommended for: Medium level students to advanced students and professionals.

The Blue Programs are not for beginners, the content of the program is focused on composers and important pieces of the clarinet repertoire such as Mozart Concerto, Brahms Sonatas, Schumann Phantasiestücke or Weber concertos. Choose one of the Blue Programs if you are interested about the interpretation of any of those composers, the deep composition ideas of the pieces and their analysis.


The participants will send a video recording of them playing and afterwards will get a personal written feedback around 700 Words where the Instructor will let you know many things about what can be improved and then you can on your own rhythm work on it and improve this details, then have the private lesson to talk about all of that, to get some new ideas, work on the ones from the feedback, ask about all the questions regarding those words or other that you always had about the piece, the composer, the Style, Music, Experience etc. Add the extra lesson with Jordi Juan to completely understand all the concepts and tips and then you can improve at your home all this new knowledge at your own pace.

if the instructor finds it necessary can work on some Basic Play Technique, otherwise the focus will be on the style of the piece, why to play it that way, and what’s the reason of this concrete interpretation.


If you are looking for more focus program on Basic Play Technique tips we recommend you to check our Orange Programs.

Don’t be shy, we are here to help you!






Focus University has been created for clarinettists who seek to improve their level for the entrance exams to Superior Conservatories, Bachelor, Master, etc.

Submit a video recording of the 3 pieces you want to work  up to 20 minutes

Send a recording of the 3 pieces you want to work on

Without piano accompaniment

Recommended: 3 pieces from different eras/styles

 Receive personalised and detailed written feedback
It will help you achieve your Maximum Level of preparation
Get ideas about Style and Interpretation
2x 45 minutes private online lessons with Johannes Peitz


Focus Audition has been created for clarinettists who seek to improve their level for entrance exams to professional orchestras or even young orchestras.

Submit a video recording of 6 orchestral passages you want to work on up to 20 minutes

If you don’t have 6 passages you can play the beginning of the piece to be performed

Without piano accompaniment

Recommended: 1 piece and up to 10 orchestral passages

Receive personalised and detailed written feedback
It will help you achieve your Maximum Level of preparation
Get ideas about Style and Interpretation
2x 45 minutes private online lessons with Johannes Peitz


Focus Competition has been created for clarinettists who seek to improve their level through national competitions in their own country, as well as international competitions such as ARD, NIELSEN, PRAGUE…

Send a recording of a maximum of 4 of the pieces you want to work on up to 20 minutes

You can choose complete pieces or fragments of different pieces

Without piano accompaniment

Recommended: Full piece moves.

Receive personalised and detailed written feedback
It will help you achieve your Maximum Level of preparation
Get ideas about Style and Interpretation
2x 45 minutes private online lessons with Johannes Peitz


Most frequent questions and answers

Contact us here and we will help you find the best Program/ Focus for you.

Of course! The Instructor will review the new video you send and give you new personalised feedback so you can keep improving and getting new feedback.

The video should have the best quality possible. The better the Audio/ Video is, the more the Instructor will be able to see and hear and therefore be able to tell you with precision how to improve even more.

Choose a quiet place where you feel comfortable, where you can play without any worries, the less sounds from the surroundings the better.

Yes, you can but it will always be better if you ask someone to lend you a camera and you will get better feedback.

It is not necessary, all the Instructors have already all scores ready.

Contact the team and we will see if it’s adequate for your level to send the recording with Piano accompaniment

Don’t worry! Simply contact us here and we will sort it out for you.

Can’t find the options you need? Or simply want to suggest more Focus?

Let us know by contacting our team below

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