Coaching with Fermín Galduf

Coaching with FERMÍN GALDUF

«The Planning Study»

In this Coaching Meeting we bring Fermín Galduf, he is director of the Gabou Music and Development Institute, certified as a specialist in coaching and a master’s degree in neurolinguistic programming by the European NLP Institute, currently he works as a coach specialized in musicians.

Fermín will tell us about the Study, the importance of quality study, efficiency over quantity and many things … don’t miss it!

⬇️ ⬇️ Meet Fermin ⬇️ ⬇️

Are you interested in these Meetings? If you want to learn more about motivation and its importance in the effectiveness of your work or study if you want to understand what the state of flow is and how to get there and learn the basics of visualization and how to apply it to study.

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Total Seats: 30


Event Schedule Details

  • 20 May 2022 7:00 pm   -   9:45 pm
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