
Send us a video and tell Prof. Johannes Peitz what you would like to know: Do you have questions about the Basics? questions about Interpretation? questions about the Material? or…maybe you just want a general check?

The first Feedback and Zoom lesson is FREE!Ā 

Johannes peitz portrait

How does it work?


Choose the program you like


Choose the focus you prefer and add the extra/s to complete it


Record and send a video with the content of your focus


Get your personalised written feedback


Work on the live private lesson with Prof. Peitz

What's unique about our programs?

Why is a recording better?

The Audio and Video quality are better and this way you avoid any connection issue or disruption

What is the benefit of a written feedback?

The feedback we write is personalised for you, based on your recording and you can come back to it at any moment to keep improving over time.

What to expect from the private lesson?

You and Prof. Johannes Peitz will go through your feedback together and work on the recommendations and exercises.

Recommended for Everyone

Green Program

Choose this Program to get to know the new teaching method of our Professor Johannes Peitz, totally free

Recommended for Medium level students to advanced students and young professionals

Orange Program

Choose to focus from Uhl studies, Kropsch or Kovacs, or choose your own repertoire

Recommended for Medium level students to advanced students and professionals

Blue Program

Choose a Focus on a specific composer and add the extra lesson to complete your program

Recommended for Advanced students and professionals

Black Program

Choose to focus on specific Orchestral excerpts or pieces to prepare for an audition or a university exam